keeping the community safe
These documents have been created in order to ensure that all Blood Red Roses environments, physical and virtual, are safe for everyone to enjoy. Please take the time to read them as we are all responsbile for making Blood Red Roses the best it can be!
The purpose of this document is to provide all members of the Blood Red Roses community with clear expectations and guidance as to how they are expected to conduct themselves at any of our events or in any other Blood Red Roses physical or virtual spaces or environments.
BRR – Equality and Diversity Policy
Blood Red Roses is committed to being an inclusive and diverse Live Action Role Playing system and will not tolerate any form of discrimination at any of its events or in any of its online spaces.
BRR – Anti-Harassment & Anti-Bullying Policy
Blood Red Roses is committed to maintaining environments that are free from harassment and bullying to ensure that all members are treated, and treat others, with dignity and respect.
You have the right to know what Blood Red Roses does with your personal information.
Weapons Criteria & Safety Standards
This document is intended to be a guide to the basic construction of safe Live Roleplaying weapons, and an explanation of what the Ref team will be looking for when examining your weapons prior to an event. Every weapon must be submitted to the Ref team for inspection prior to the start of every event for safety checks and will be checked solely on its own merits and flaws in its given state when submitted.